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Mango Cloud was established in 2008 when Mango Teleservices Ltd started it journey as IIG in Bangladesh. It was one of the first Data Center (DC) of the then time in the country. Besides, hosting all critical IT and Telecom resources of Mango IIG, ITC, ISP, CA, it also hosted many National Critical Digital resources like entire BD Govt Portal containing 250,000 portals, contents and applications of RJSC, NBR, VAT, A2I, CCA for many years with efficacy and good reputation. It also hosted some critical and sensible digital resources of BD Navy and DSCSC for quite a long time.


Mango Cloud is a hybrid cloud solution capable to meet the concerns of local businesses and industry regulations It helps Bangladesh Govt and other private businesses organization to grow digitally and transform themselves at a speed. It ensures simplified scaling for big data & AI workloads and Keeps data safe and highly secured with encryption. It Helps companies significantly reduce their IT costs. It will help to meet the compliance to keep the data inside the country as security compliance, which will be more attractive for all financial organizations to host in Mango Cloud.

However, Mango is now offering its cloud resources to any aspiring customers provided following the terms and references as published by them.